Monday 30 January 2012

bbc jackie hamilton Possible Bar Scene

I had my meeting with Jackie Hamilton last week I showed him some of my 3D work as a way of explaining what I,m about. While getting ready to meet him I had to review my work in a way that up until now I had not and as a result feel a little closer to realizing the direction my work should take.

for my meeting with Jackie I made a keynote presentation with images of models and backgrounds that i felt were relevent to my vision.

So what exactly is my vision? (i have to ask myself)

Basically so far all I really have is a drawing and some ideas.

 The drawing is of two drunken characters being thrown out on the street from a bar by two ugly looking door-men. One drunk is a skin-head with tattoos the other is thin withered looking middle aged bar-fly still grasping his glass of wine as if his life depends on it.

Passing by in the street is a black taxi driven by a disinterested driver who is being spoken to by a loud and rough looking woman with an alcho-pop in one hand and a cigarette in another she has a tattoo of tweety bird on her arm and plenty of fake tan on her cleavage. The driver looks straight ahead glumly as his miniature boxing gloves dangle between them from the rear view mirror.

In the back of the taxi a second thin looking girl is throwing up out of the window onto the street the projectile vomit is bright blue liquid and splashes up at the drunks. one of the vomiting girls breasts has dislodged itself from her low cut top and is swinging precariously from the window. Her pale complexion, her running mascara and her bright ginger hair billowing in the wind as she speeds past give the impression of a demon goth.

The full moon that can be seen between two silhouetted buildings is suspended in the night sky above with mild wisps of cloud drifting by adding to the hammer horror-esque atmosphere. 

The street-lamp over head lights the action in a dramatic orange-tinged spotlight giving the characters a Caravaggio style shadowing.

some elements of the scene that aren't in the drawing are:

Standing outside a chip shop eating a chicken drumstick are two large police officers, one male, one female. They chuckle to themselves as they observe the scene unravel and the male ignores the romanian woman (gold teeth + luminous odd socks) beside him asking him to buy a plastic rose for his podgy partner. They only move to step out of the path of an angry looking thug Character swaggering menacingly down the street with his pit-bull that stops only to bark aggressively at the timid chicken munching officers. The Thug walks past the door man standing on one of the dejected drunk’s heads as he goes which results in a cartoony eye bulging

The tramp: sitting with his back to the wall of the bar. (far right of composition)

He is wrapped in a sleeping bag an woolly hat with a straggly grey beard and is angrily shouting at the rude interruption "TRYIN TO GET SOME SLEEP HERE!" Any fuckin chance, he mumbles taking another slug of mundy's tonic wine.

Two dolled up bimbos and a camp male friend climb out of a pink stretched hummer (jeep limo) initially they slip and slide on the WKD-soaked footpath one falls but is picked up by one of the bouncers heroically as the other two cackle wildly like hyenas the second bouncer gallantly opens the door for them saying "Hello ladies". The camp man giggles and says something like "I love a man with manners"! as he passes one of the bouncers winks.

This brings the action inside were the bar is in full swing the usual mix of thirsty regulars are standing at the bar. A dell boy type character in leather jacket is showing off his bursting wallet full of 5 pound notes as he buys two drink ravaged women a bottle of WKD between them with two glasses pouring half in each. One drunk perched on a seat slides off and lands on the floor only to have his full pint switched with the half finished pint of the man next to him.

The green haired female student with pierced lip who works behind the bar stands engrossed in her mobile phone behind the tip jar which sits empty she tuts and sighs when  she is interrupted from her texting as someone manages to slur out an order of "two pints of harp and a brain hemorrhage please darling", "hic-up!".

The talented elderly band play a range of instruments but are ignored by the crowd of young men who have their back to the stage observing the talent on the dance-floor instead.

The dance-floor is surrounded by motionless clusters of short sleeved checkered shirt clad young men clutching pints and bottles. In the centre of the dance floor lies a pile of designer handbags, circling around that are a group of three young women dancing while coolly scanning around them checking out their admirers. In their 6 inch heels they tower over the only male on the floor with them who is a small greasy raspberry nosed man with slicked back grey hair (open shirt neck medallion + waistcoat who) is gyrating in time to the music, he tries to squeeze his way in to the inner circle but his path is blocked by the arses of the dancing women, undeterred he tries several times resulting in a set dance like routine (reminiscent of the dancing mushrooms in Fantasia).

In the surrounding seated area various characters populate candle-lit tables nursing drinks mournfully the camera pans back to frame an odd couple one is an elderly woman dressed in young clothes she sways unsteadily as she raises her cigarette to her mouth making sure the large ash doesn't drop and takes a sip over her luminous green cocktail. Her
pace-maker bulges from her liver spotted chest skin. Her date a much younger but equally grotesque character gets down on one knee and produces a ring he speaks of his undying love for her and tells her he has walked on clouds since he first set ayes on her ravishing beauty.

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